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Nov 02, 2019 AudioSwitcher 2.99.6 is a menu bar that allows you to switch quickly between all available input and output devices. In addition you can change the volume of any device without having to change your current input / output. You can quickly change the sample rate or output to multiple devices at the same time. AudioSwitcher 2.99.6 AudioSwitcher is a menu bar that allows you to switch quickly between all available input and output devices. In addition you can change the volume of any device without having to change your current input / output. You can quickly change the sample rate or output to multiple devices at the same time. Audioswitcher 2.99.6. Download AudioSwitcher 2.99.6 AudioSwitcher is a menu bar that allows you to switch quickly between all available input and output devices. In addition you can change the volume of any device without having to change your current input / output. AudioSwitcher 2.99.6 – Quick and easy control over AirPlay and other audio devices AudioSwitcher Mac AppStore Utilities by NMac Ked AudioSwitcher is a menu bar that allows you to switch quickly between all available input and output devices. AudioSwitcher - 2.99.6 - Control over AirPlay and other audio devices AudioSwitcher is a menu bar that allows you to switch quickly between all available input and output devices. In addition you can change the volume of any device without having to change your current input / output.
- --Go down to line 175 and put two names into 'YOURNAME HERE', and 'THE OTHER PERSONS HERE' (One of them doesn't have to be you)
- --This Script Makes two players in your game. Well. I think its in the title ;D
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function fWeld(zName, zParent, zPart0, zPart1, zCoco, a, b, c, d, e, f)
- funcw.Name = zName
- funcw.Part0 = zPart0
- if (zCoco true) then
- funcw.C0 =, b, c) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(d, e, f)
- funcw.C1 =, b, c) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(d, e, f)
- return funcw
- function fun(n1, n2)
- t1 = game.Players[n1].Character.Torso
- t2.Parent.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- ls1 ='Weld')
- ls1.Part0 = t1
- ls1.C0 =,0,0)
- t1['Right Shoulder']:Remove()
- rs1.Parent = t1
- rs1.Part1 = t1.Parent['Right Arm']
- rs1.Name = 'Right Shoulder'
- ls2 ='Weld')
- ls2.Part0 = t2
- ls2.C0 =,0,0)
- t2['Right Shoulder']:Remove()
- rs2.Parent = t2
- rs2.Part1 = t2.Parent['Right Arm']
- rs2.Name = 'Right Shoulder'
- lh2 ='Weld')
- lh2.Part0 = t2
- lh2.C0 =,-2,0)
- t2['Right Hip']:Remove()
- rh2.Parent = t2
- rh2.Part1 = t2.Parent['Right Leg']
- rh2.Name = 'Right Hip'
- d.TopSurface = 0
- d.CanCollide = false
- d.BrickColor ='Medium stone grey')
- d.Parent = t1
- local dm ='SpecialMesh')
- dm.Parent = d
- fWeld('weld',t1,t1,d,true,-0.2,-1.3,-0.6,0,0,0)
- d2.Parent = t1
- local c ='Part')
- c.BottomSurface = 0
- c.BrickColor ='Pastel brown')
- c.formFactor = 'Custom'
- cm ='CylinderMesh')
- a = fWeld('weld',t1,t1,c,true,0,-1,-0.52+(-c.Size.y/2),math.rad(-80),0,0)
- c2.BrickColor ='Medium stone grey')
- c2.Parent = t1
- fWeld('weld',c,c,c2,true,0,0+(c.Size.y/2),0,math.rad(-10),0,0)
- bl.TopSurface = 0
- bl.CanCollide = false
- bl.Shape = 'Ball'
- bl.Size =,1,1)
- dm.MeshType = 'Sphere'
- dm.Scale =,1.2,1.2)
- local br ='Part')
- br.BottomSurface = 0
- br.BrickColor ='Pastel brown')
- br.Parent = t2
- local dm ='SpecialMesh')
- dm.Parent = br
- fWeld('weld',t2,t2,br,true,0.5,0.5,-0.6,0,0,0)
- bln.TopSurface = 0
- bln.CanCollide = false
- bln.Parent = t2
- local dm ='SpecialMesh')
- dm.Parent = bln
- fWeld('weld',t2,t2,bln,true,-0.5,0.5,-1.2,0,0,0)
- brn.TopSurface = 0
- brn.CanCollide = false
- brn.Parent = t2
- local dm ='SpecialMesh')
- dm.Parent = brn
- fWeld('weld',t2,t2,brn,true,0.5,0.5,-1.2,0,0,0)
- lh2.C1 =,-1.5,-0.5) * CFrame.Angles(0.9,-0.4,0)
- rh2.C1 =,-1.5,-0.5) * CFrame.Angles(0.9,0.4,0)
- ls2.C1 =,-1.3,-0.5) * CFrame.Angles(0.9,-0.4,0)
- rs2.C1 =,-1.3,-0.5) * CFrame.Angles(0.9,0.4,0)
- ls1.C1 =,0.7,0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.9,-0.4,0)
- rs1.C1 =,0.7,0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.9,0.4,0)
- t1.weldx:Remove()
- we = fWeld('weldx', t1, t1, t2, true, 0, -0.9, -1.3, math.rad(-90), 0, 0)
- n.C0 =, 1.5, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-210), math.rad(180), 0)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- for i = 1,6 do
- wait()
- for i = 1,6 do
- wait()
- end
- end

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