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This module will illustrate how you can combine files in Stata. Examples will include appending files, one to one match merging, and one to many match merging.
Appending data files
When you have two data files, you may want to combine them by stacking them one on top of the other. For example, we have a file containing dads and a file containing moms as shown below.
Surviving mars (2018). If we wanted to combine these files by stacking them one atop the other, we can use the append command as shown below.
We can use the list command to see if this worked correctly.
The append worked properly… the dads and moms are stacked together in one file. But, there is a little problem. We can’t tell the dads from the moms. Let’s try doing this again, but first we will create a variable called momdad in the dads and moms data file which will contain dad for the dads data file and mom for the moms data file. When we combine the two files together, the momdad variable will tell us who the moms and dads are.
Here we make momdad variable for the dads data file. We save the file calling it dads1.
Here we make momdad variable for the moms data file. We save the file calling it moms1.
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Now, let’s append dads1 and moms1 together.
Now, when we list the data the momdad variable shows who the moms and dads are.
Match merging
Another way of combining data files is match merging. Say that we wanted to combine the dads with the faminc data file, having the dads information and the family information side by side. We can do this with a match merge.
Let’s have a look at the dads and faminc file.
We want to combine the data files so they look like this.
Notice that the famid variable is used to associate the observation from the dads file with the appropriate observation from the faminc file. The strategy for merging the files goes like this.
1. sort dads on famid and save that file (calling it dads2).
2. sort faminc on famid and save that file (calling it faminc2).
3. use the dads2 file.
4. merge the dads2 file with the faminc2 file using famid to match them.
Here are those four steps.
1. Sort the dads file by famid and save it as dads2
2. Sort the faminc file by famid and save it as faminc2.
3. Use the dads2 file
4. Merge with the faminc2 file using famid as the key variable.
It seems like this worked just fine, but what is that _merge variable?
The _merge variable indicates, for each observation, how the merge went. This is useful for identifying mismatched records. _merge can have one of three values
1 – The record contains information from file1 only (e.g., a dad2 record with no corresponding faminc2 record.
2 – The record contains information from file2 only (e.g., a faminc2 record with no corresponding dad2 record.
3 – The record contains information from both files (e.g., the dad2 and faminc2 records matched up).
When you have many records, tabulating _merge is very useful to summarize how many mismatched you have. In our case, all of the records match so the value for _merge was always 3.
One-to-many match merging
Another kind of merge is called a one to many merge. Our one to one merge matched up dads and faminc and there was a one to one matching of the files. If we merge dads with kids, there can be multiple kids per dad and hence this is a one to many merge.
As you see below, the strategy for the one to many merge is really the same as the one to one merge.
1. sort dads on famid and save that file as dads3
2. sort kids on famid and save that file as kids3
3. use the dads3 file
4. merge the dads3 file with the kids3 file using famid to match them.
The 4 steps are shown below.
1. Sort the dads data file on famid and save that file as dads3.
2. Sort the kids data file on famid and save that file as kids3.
3. Use the dads3 file.
4. Merge the dads3 file with the kids3 file using famid to match them.
Let’s list out the results.
The results are a bit easier to read if we sort the data on famid and birth.
As you see, this is basically the same as a one to one merge. You may wonder if the order of the files on the merge statement is relevant. Here, we switch the order of the files and the results are the same. The only difference is the order of the records after the merge.
Appending data example
Match merge example steps (one-to-one and one-to-many)
Match merge example program
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